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Postoperative Care

What do I do now?
You've just come home from implant surgery. Besides the numbness in your mouth, everything feels OK, but you might be wondering what you have to watch out for. The best thing you can do now is simply relax. Just take it easy for the rest of the day.

nobelsmile post operation careBut before you do, put some cold packs in the freezer, because it's very important to keep your cheek cool. Also, have some cold beverages handy.

Dos and don'ts
bullet list graphic No sports or heavy lifting
bullet list graphic No smoking
bullet list graphic No alcohol
bullet list graphic No coffee or black tea
bullet list graphic Take time off work
bullet list graphic Keep your cheek cool

You're on your way to enjoying life again, and the more you do now to help the healing process, the more joy your new teeth will bring!

Important safety information
Treatment with dental implants is a surgical procedure and requires prior evaluation by your dentist to make sure your dental and general health permits dental implant treatment. Find out more.


One tooth affected
Two or more teeth affected
Most or all teeth affected
Dental implant history

The better solution
Why dental implants?
Are dentures a good solution?
Dental Implant Care
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Copyright © 2014-2024 Nobel Biocare. All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Nobel Biocare,   + All-on-4® treatment concept + + 8/25/2024 + Tags: Nobel Biocare dental implants +

Home  | One tooth affected  | Two or more teeth affected  | Most or all teeth affected  | Why dental implants?  | Dental implant history  | Five more reasons to talk to your dentist  | Why your dentist works with Nobel Biocare  | Effects of damaged or missing teeth  | Treatment of damaged or missing teeth  | Why dental implants?  | Effects of damaged or missing teeth  | Treatment of damaged or missing teeth  | Why dental implants?  | Are dentures a good solution?  | The better solution  | Trefoil™

Nobel Biocare | | All-on-4® treatment concept



Copyright © 2014-2024 Nobel Biocare. All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Nobel Biocare,   + All-on-4® treatment concept + + 8/25/2024 + Tags: Nobel Biocare dental implants +