You may be or may know one of the many denture wearers unhappy with the fit of dentures. Unsecured, they can move in your mouth while you eat and speak, creating pressure on your gums and jawbone causing painful inflammation. Even worse, they may fall out!
Chewing and speaking challenges
Dentures often make it difficult for you to chew, which can stop you from eating many of the foods you once enjoyed. Plastic components covering the entire roof of your mouth can have a negative influence on the way you experience food. Dentures may also affect how you pronounce words and can keep you from speaking freely in public.
Changes to your appearance Because your own teeth and tooth roots are no longer present to stimulate the jawbone, it will start to shrink. This shrinking will also negatively influence how your dentures fit, meaning more refitting visits to your dentist. Missing teeth further affect your appearance, because your lips are no longer supported from the inside. Your chin starts to move forward and upward and your lips turn inward.
Important safety information Treatment with dental implants is a surgical procedure and requires prior evaluation by your dentist to make sure your dental and general health permits dental implant treatment.Find out more.